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Re: Request to review and upload libewf 20140813-1

Hello Daichi,

Sorry for the long delay, I was on vacation and should probably have
mentioned it on this list, but now I'm back.

> > 7) bad-exception-format-in-dep5-copyright expat with public-domain:
> I tried to replace the license with a new one "Expat and public-domain",
> but it looks like lintian does not recognise it as a single term for some reason.
> For more details, take a look at:
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/libewf/-/jobs/3079374#L30
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/libewf/-/jobs/3079374#L31
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/libewf/-/jobs/3079374#L40
> I suspect this is just a false positive.
> That said, if this is really a problem and needs a fix, I will try another expression for that license.

That is looking weird indeed, let's leave it like that as I consider it fine.

> > 12) older-debian-watch-file-standard 3:
> > 13) out-of-date-standards-version 4.5.0:
> > 14) silent-on-rules-requiring-root:
> > 15) debian-rules-uses-as-needed-linker-flag:
> All of the above are addressed.
> As for 14), two different types of binary packages were created with/without "Rules-Require-Root: no".
> Then they were compared using diffoscope, showing no outputs.

Perfect, that's the best way to check.

> > 16) typo-in-manual-page:
> I reported this issue to the upstream and sent a pull request as well:
> https://github.com/libyal/libewf-legacy/pull/19
> It looks like the maintainer made a similar change and the issue has been addressed:
> https://github.com/libyal/libewf-legacy/commit/cd360ab8c9942dc5fbd35c9b3c08de6c1b653f16#diff-c0837cc425f249eba2a50ae06ff97acde680a718801aeb6d6114727bfb85cf1d
> https://github.com/libyal/libewf-legacy/commit/cd360ab8c9942dc5fbd35c9b3c08de6c1b653f16#diff-89a98a96ecbdd593f35c3728666b86eaeebba5b6f8b5013891c9d28d322f46e9
> Note that typo-in-manual-page is still in the lintian report as the latest upstream source has not been incorporated.

That's ok.

> On top of these issues, I also addressed package-does-not-install-examples:
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/libewf/-/jobs/3079374#L41
> See the comparison result for details of how it was addressed:
> https://salsa.debian.org/dfukui/libewf/-/compare/debian%2F20140813-1-old...debian%2Fmaster?from_project_id=69076


> > I've tried to do a more thorough review as you seem interested in
> > learning all of it. Please let me know if you'd like me to only
> > mention what is required (which would be totally fine as you're
> > contributing and whatever you do is still good for Debian).
> Thanks as usual for taking time.
> Yes, I enjoy learning much about packaging,
> so I would appreciate it if you give me thorough feedback as you've done so far.

Cool, just in case you're looking for something, the unhide package
has a bug report about the inclusion of the GUI, I missed the need to
add Breaks+Replaces as the package migrated to testing:

> > On a high level, I suggest always making sure lintian gets run on your
> > build process, preferably with the following parameters: '-i', '-I',
> > '-E', '--pedantic'.
> > You don't need to solve all lintian findings, some of them might not
> > make much sense or just not be doable at all, but it's good to try to
> > understand at least what's critical so you can make a judgement call.
> Thanks also for pointing this out.
> I remember you made a similar comment for a different package - unhide.
> I'm embarrassed to say that I was working on unhide before reading your reply on libewf and suggestion as above.
> Sorry for making you repeat the same thing.

Don't worry about it, it's fine and I don't mind repeating it if
needed, I know both occasions happened at roughly the same time as
well so I thought that was the case too.

> Yeah, I will try to add the parameters to my build process (debuild) and, if possible, use a salsa CI job as well.

I have sponsored the upload for you, thanks a lot for contributing!

Note that I had to rebase your branch on top of the team's repo since
I had merged a change from Janitor, this means you will have to reset
your fork's debian/master branch if you plan on using it further (or
just delete the fork and recreate it when needed in the future).


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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