Hello Samuel.
Thanks a lot for the kind feedback and sponsoring the upload!
> There is a weird spacing on line 8 of d/copyright, it has more spaces
> than needed. Since this doesn't affect anything other than cosmetics,
> I will leave it as it is.
Oops, sorry for awkward spaces.
I should have been more careful.
When I am ready to upload unshareGui.py, which we discussed previously, I'll also fix the redundant spaces.
> 1) debian/20210124-1: I see you pushed this tag, and it's a good
> practice that the person who does the upload creates the tag instead,
> since it's that person who is claiming which commit was used for the
> upload. I have recreated the tag so you will need to update any clones
> of the team's repo.
OK, I got it.
> 2) Signed tags: You might want to consider signing the tags with your
> GPG keys as well. If you're using gbp, the setting is "sign-tags =
> True" under the "DEFAULT" section. This helps increase the trust of
> your GPG key through Debian contributions (will be handy when applying
> to become a DM, for example), besides the other security related
> benefits that we get.
That sounds important to me in that singing tags helps identify my contributions to Debian.
I'll update my gbp.conf.
Other than that, I received a notification that the changes were successfully accepted.
Again I appreciate your sponsoring and am happy to have contributed to Debian ;)
Best regards,