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Applying for Debian Developer

Hello everyone,

I have been contributing to the pkg-security team since last year and
have decided to apply for Debian Developer, uploading.

If you would like to review my work, I have contributed these packages:
│  Team Upload:                           │
│   - arpon             - p0f             │
│   - dfdatetime        - rephrase        │
│   - libfsntfs         - sleuthkit       │
│   - librtr            - tableau-parm    │
│   - libvhdi           - xprobe          │
│   - libvmdk                             │

Finally, If you think I am ready to be DD, please advocate me:

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
Francisco Vilmar Cardoso Ruviaro <francisco.ruviaro@riseup.net>
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