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Re: DD Ping: please review proxytunnel

Hello Sven,

I did a review on the package and I have a few comments, I'll split
them into letters to help the discussion:

A) import of package to git
I believe the git repo was created by importing the latest dsc instead of doing:
gbp import-dscs --debsnap --pristine-tar --debian-branch=debian/master
Which uses debsnap to import all previous dscs.

The side effect of this is that you lose the tags pointing to the
previous releases and all of them gets bundled up in a single commit.
Fixing this requires recreating the git repo with that command,
re-applying your changes (you can chery-pick them after adding the
current work's remote and doing a git fetch), and force pushing the

Now, I won' t ask you to do this, because the practical benefits are
not so big considering the latest release is from oldstable and the
extra work needed to do it. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether
or not to do so, and if you decide to do it, just push it to a new
repo under your account and ping me to force push it to our team's

B) missing tags
Tags seems to be missing in the repo, can you do a git push --tags?
There should be tags for the upstream releases and for the debian ones
(in this case, only the latest one).

C) copyright
You can use the command "debmake -k" to check that some copyrights
declared are slightly wrong, note that debmake suggests the wrong
license and gets confused with the LICENSE.txt file but the findings
itself are correct. Some files declared as "GPL-2 with OpenSSL
exception" are actually "GPL-2+ with OpenSSL exception" and some MIT
are actually ISC. Small things but they need to be addressed.

A suggestion I'd like to give is to keep the licenses' long
description at the end of the file, to ease the human reading, you
declare only what's the license name and then at the end of the file
you declare all the licenses' text. Like in this example:

D) debhelper
Since you will have to push changes, you can take this opportunity to
also bump DH13.

I believe that's all, you did a very good job with the package and
I'll be happy to upload it after you solve these small issues.

Thanks for your work.


Samuel Henrique <samueloph>

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