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DD ping - request for sponsor

Hi Marcos,

> That was a stupid mistake on my side. Its fixed now :-))

Aww, I suspect you didn't test the package ;)

When installing the resulting binary package I get the following error:

> [...]
> Setting up dnsrecon (0.8.11-1) ...
> File "/usr/share/dnsrecon/tools/parser.py", line 96
>   print elem.attrib['address']
>            ^
> SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'.
> Did you mean print(print elem.attrib['address'])?
> [...]

Upstream bug. You can patch it easily by adding the missing parentheses[0].

... but ...

actually it looks like dnsrecon's Python 3 support is still a bit shaky

For example, the args parser seems to be halfway broken, the -h/--help option
isn't recognized anymore. And, quoting upstream[1]:

"Looks like I will have to refactor the code to work with 3.x"

"not abandone, just need to set time to figure how to keep it compatible
with python 2.7 and 3.x and python breaking stuff in minor changes does
not help, specially since Python is not a strength of mine"

So, even if Python 3 is officially supported[2], I think we'll have to
keep building for Python 2 for the moment.

So, here's what I propose:
 1) Revert the Python 3 changes. After that, everything should be fine
    and I'll upload.
 2) Work together with upstream towards a better Python 3 support.

    o issue #62: port code to argparse should fix our "-h" problem
    o issue #66: needs some testing, this should really be fixed
    o testing, testing ! :)

 3) Prepare a Debian release building dnsrecon for Python 3 !

Also, a little hint for your future packaging work: Always test your packages !

At least:
    * build in a clean chroot (+bonus points for running piuparts!)
    * lintian
    * debc (make sure content of the package is still what you want)
    * debdiff (check your changes carefully)
    * install (in a VM if you don't want to test your packages in your dev system)
    * test ! You should have a set of test files for each of your
      packages so you can make sure nothing gets broken by your changes.


[0] Could you submit this issue to upstream's bug tracker/Pull Request a fix ? :-)
[1] https://github.com/darkoperator/dnsrecon/issues/66
[2] changelog 0.6.5

             Hugo Lefeuvre (hle)    |    www.owl.eu.com
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