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packaging dnsmap

Hello Lorenzo :)

>how should i handle the Standards-Version field?

look for Debian policy and the update rules/checklist

or bump to the latest (3.9.8 right now) and see if an up-to-date lintian complains

>done, i have seen a github repo but we don't know how official it is,
>and it doesn't provide git tags, while dnsmap doesn't seem to be up to

>receive updates....

I would email both upstream and see if we can merge them, or switch in 

case the latter is superior

>i have copied the copyright file from the kali package waiting for
>further info on how to handle it
>fixed the Files: * copyright field

Files: debian/*
Copyright: kali1 1998-2010
           kali2 2005-2010
           parrot1 2017
           lorenzo 2017
License: foobar

>anyway, as i have imported or reproduced many things from the kali
>source, how should i handle the debian/* stuff?

see above

this needs to become
(as explained, better keep it overridable from outside and assigned in case no external
input is provided)

>+CFLAGS += -I.

-I. is something superfluous in gcc and clang, I think it is obvious that local file are already searched/used
during the build process.

I would just remove that useless line (if the program still builds, I didn't check)


this is non upstreamable, and then bad :)

and then do this in debian/rules:

export BINDIR=/usr/bin

>-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o dnsmap dnsmap.c
>+       $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o dnsmap dnsmap.c

^^ this seems better to me :)

>should i move BINDIR from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin too?

nope, see above :)

>i did it and i was able to corre4ctly build a package by removing the
>following lines from d/rules
>-    make
>-    install dnsmap $(CURDIR)/debian/dnsmap/usr/bin/
>-    install dnsmap-bulk.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/dnsmap/usr/bin/
>which looks cleaner now

yes, but this is not easily acceptable by upstream, so I would prefer an
"assign if not defined" approach 

>install -m 0755 dnsmap-bulk.sh $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/dnsmap-bulk>
>doesn't it copy the file without .sh already?

if you don't use the debian/rules hack it seems to work
>never worked with manpages, i'll try to add it as soon as possible

this is a command I ran a while ago
help2man -N -n "automounter for removable media for Python" udiskie --version-string=1.4.8 > debian/udiskie.1
>discouraged? all the opposite

you seems to have done the work quite well :)
>everything should be as expected now except for the missing manpages and
>the -dbgsym stuff

I guess they are mostly solved above

>let me know how the package looks like now
>should i add a .gitignore file to remove all that .pc/ crap from the repo??

I personally don't have a strong opinion here, because if upstream starts shipping its .gitignore
the merge will become a little painful to handle

in various repositories I do a "git clean -f -d" before building

thanks you both!


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