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Ask for review

Hi Marcos,

I've looked at the remaining two packages.

# snoopy
* without adding a build-dependency to `socat` the configure script
  (and thus the whole build) fails for me
* calling ./bootstrap.sh (in debian/rules) is unnecessary; it only
  performs what the dh_autoreconf sequence does anyways. This also
  means you can drop one of the patches?
* you disabled the test suite completely. I think it would be better to
  keep as much as possible around. After adding procps to the
  build-depends, four tests fail in my enivornment:
  - datasource_egid.sh
  - datasource_egroup.sh
  - combined-filter-exclude_uid-drop.sh
  - combined-filter-only_uid-pass.sh
  The tests probably fail due to pbuilder's build environment (uid
  mismatch between what snoopy thinks and what's reported by `ps`). If
  I disable those four (in tests/combined/Makefile.am and
  tests/datasource/Makefile.am using a patch) the build works.
* you should probably make a pull request with your spelling fixes on

I have not pushed any of the changes to the repository because I'm not
sure if you prefer keeping the test suite completely disabled.

# swatch
looks all good to me

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