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Bug#644019: reglookup: Please package latest upstream (1.0.1)

> Honestly, I don't care about SVN or GIT. What I do care about is that you
> provide me a usable tarball and you don't do that currently. At least
> GitHub can build tarball on the fly for me... but only when I want
> everything in the repository.

Ok, I'm sorry for the trouble.  The ground has shifted under my feet
with Google locking down my main project site, so it will take me a
while to figure out the best solution.

I realize now that GitHub's SVN support sucks.  Don't bother with it.
I will send you a tarball privately that you can try out.

> gcc -o lib/libregfi.so.0.0.0 -shared -fPIC -Wl,-z,relro -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,-soname=libregfi.so.0 lib/regfi.os lib/winsec.os lib/range_list.os lib/lru_cache.os lib/void_stack.os -Llib -L/usr/local/lib -lm -lpthread -ltalloc
> Install file: "lib/libregfi.so.0.0.0" as "/usr/local/lib/libregfi.so.0.0.0"
> scons: *** [/usr/local/lib/libregfi.so.0.0.0] /usr/local/lib/libregfi.so.0.0.0: Permission denied
> scons: building terminated because of errors.

I'm honestly not sure how you get this error.  I didn't have this
problem with either my SVN tree check out or the tarball I just built
(and will send you shortly).  

> Do you agree that "scons bin doc doc-devel" should not fail when without
> root rights?

Yes, these should complete without root privileges, though you
shouldn't need to run 'doc'.  That's because I run it when I build the
tarball and distribute man pages as static files.  FYI 'doc-devel'
requires dependencies doxygen and graphviz.  Not sure if I documented
that previously.

Stay tuned,

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