debian-security-tools Jun 2012 by subject

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4689134680135791 Bonjour à vous \(^o^)/~( <-<-<@\(^◇//理\\╮(╯_╰)╭X//票\\◎&macr;≧&m~Y{RAND_NUMBER_35} Attention Email Owner, Bonjour Bug#521511: marked as done (rifiuti2: please remove ypwong from Uploaders) Bug#521511: rifiuti2: please remove ypwong from Uploaders Bug#549569: marked as done (libguytools1: Support for more arches.) Bug#589372: ext3grep NMU Bug#617447: Bug#589372: ext3grep NMU Bug#617447: marked as done (ext3grep: Please support sh4 architecture) Bug#620091: [guymager] Insufficient dependencies Bug#620091: marked as done ([guymager] Insufficient dependencies) Bug#630336: gpart: Homepage in long decription is unreachable Bug#634412: marked as done (ext3grep: FTBFS: superblock.h:35:99: error: 'EXT2_FRAG_SIZE' was not declared in this scope) Bug#654201: marked as done (ext3grep: FTBFS on armhf but also reproduced on amd64 sid build) Bug#677111: Removed package(s) from unstable Bug#677650: unhide.rb: in `<module:LibC>': uninitialized constant DL::Importable (NameError) Bug#679291: Feature Request - Source Email Confidentiel current gpart version? Debian Forensics packages for wheezy release? EuroMillions Friday night's draw ext3grep 0.10.1-3.2 MIGRATED to testing ext3grep_0.10.1-3.2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Good day!!! guymager 0.6.7-3 MIGRATED to testing guymager_0.6.7-3_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Hello hi Information about Disbursement Offer libguytools1 REMOVED from testing md5deep 4.2-1 MIGRATED to testing md5deep_4.2-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Mrs. Vanessa Khalid No subject Ofertele zilei pe offer Old bugs filed against binary package 'timeout' Processed: bug 630336 is forwarded to Processed: bug 630336 is forwarded to Processed: rifiuti2: please remove ypwong from Uploaders Processed: tagging 630336 Processing of ext3grep_0.10.1-3.2_amd64.changes Processing of guymager_0.6.7-3_amd64.changes Processing of md5deep_4.2-1_i386.changes Product Inquiry! rkhunter 1.4.0-1 MIGRATED to testing The last update was on 09:06 GMT Fri May 17. There are 63 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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