current gpart version?
Hi Michail,
I'm involved in the packaging team of gpart in Debian.
Your website is reporting
gpart-0.1f.tar.gz as the current gpart version, whereas in Debian we
already have version 0.1h, which is backed up by the changelog saying:
,---- [ changelog from our git ]
| v0.1h
| - New support for the following filesystems: BeOS, QNX 4.x & SGI XFS.
| - Updated Reiser filesystem support (Francis Devereux <francis at>).
| - Updated LVM support.
| - Several small fixes from contributors.
| v0.1g
| - For access via raw devices: made writing of guessed table also aligned
| (reading has been aligned since 0.1f).
| - Fixed stupid copy&paste bug in the partition table check routine.
| v0.1f
| - Default scan increment 'h' again.
| - Fixed wrong head-boundary condition.
| - Introduced possibility to edit guessed partitions.
| - Scan now starts on (sectors/head) unless -k <start> was given.
| - Length of guessed NTFS partitions now includes NTFS backup boot
| sector.
| [...]
Could you please enlighten us about the most recent version of
gpart? Any plans to provide a new release? Thanks!
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