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Hi friend

Hi friend 

compliment of the season to you,hope you are fine

my name is Benita ,22yrs single never married before tall ,fair in
complexion,caring and well responsible.i'm in search for a soulmate .

came across your profile here in www.Crosmos.com, and feel like to drop
you few
lines hope you don't mind if we can exhange mails for easy
communication.contact me through my private email ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ???????????????????????? ( BENITZ_BENITA at YAHOO.COM )

Hej kompis 
 komplimang av s?songen till er, hoppas att du ?r bra 

Mitt namn ?r Benita, 22yrs enda aldrig gift f?re tall, r?ttvist i hy,
engagerat och v?l responsible.i m?r i s?kandet efter en sj?lsfr?nde. 

Jag kom ?ver din profil h?r i www.Crosmos.com och k?nnas att sl?ppa dig
n?gra rader hoppas du inte misstycker om vi kan exhange post f?r enkel
communication.contact mig genom min privata e-post

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