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detecting portscanning

Hello Everyone,

It is my first time i'm putting up a server (at home, cable modem) with
ftp/ssh/apache on it.

Now I would like to know who does portscans on my machine, and when.  And
how many.

Is there a package for it in debian?  Or do I have to install something

Thanks in advance,

 ____  ___  _   _  ___
|_  / / _ \| | | |/ __|  e:Rudy@zeus.rug.ac.be phone: 0486/690159
 / / |  __/| |_| |\__ \  url: http://studwww.rug.ac.be/~rgevaert/
/___| \___| \__,_||___/  http://zeus.rug.ac.be

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