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Re: How to build compatible packages that use Eigen?

Hi Anton. Thanks for replying.

Anton Gladky <gladk@debian.org> writes:

> I have been maintaining the Eigen library in Debian for over 12 years,
> and I cannot recall the specific bug ticket related to this topic.

I believe it. I suspect the reason is that you get mystery crashes that
require more-than-the-usual-amount-of knowledge to conclusively debug
and then report the bug to the right place. In any case, once I figured
out what was causing my problem, I see references to it all over the
place. For instance:

- https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/TopicPreprocessorDirectives.html
  (search for "ABI")

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50723121/eigen-crash-due-to-unaligned-access-with-msvc14-and-avx

- https://eigen.tuxfamily.org/bz/show_bug.cgi?id=554

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71647793/eigen-static-lib-aligned-free-double-free-or-corruption

Upstream should do better here, but I guess they decided they don't

> However, it seems that the question you have raised is indeed valid.
> If patching Eigen in those two places would help resolve the issue,
> please prepare a patch, and I believe we can proceed with pushing it.

OK. Let me construct the minimal program for the other crash of this
kind I've seen (something about alignment), and then I'll propose some

> Does it make sense to discuss this with the Eigen developers? Or is
> the question very specific to Debian (or packaging) and might not be
> of interest to them?

If I was them I wouldn't want my thing to crash. But there're references
in their own docs and bug tracker that suggest that it's a known and
accepted issue that mixed build flags make it die. Probably we can
suggest the safe behavior behind and #ifdef at least. Let me make the
patches so that we can have something to talk about.

Thanks much.

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