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Re: keras orphaned

Hi Stephen,

Am Wed, Jan 04, 2023 at 10:38:44PM +0100 schrieb Stephen Sinclair:
> I have unfortunately decided to orphan keras and related packages, as there
> are errors with the latest numpy that I cannot resolve, and upstream no
> longer maintains this software as an independent package from TensorFlow,
> so it is EOL as far as compatibility with Theano is concerned.

Thanks a lot for maintaining keras so far.
> Please feel free to pick up the packages if you think you can resolve the
> current bug reports, but since keras is now part of TensorFlow, it may be
> better to concentrate efforts there.

I would *really*, *really* love if people would concentrate fully on
TensorFlow - specifically the Python3 module which is not packaged yet.
Its so urgently needed by lots of Debian Med packages but I absolutely
fail to free some capacity myself.

Kind regards


PS: TensorFlow is coordinated on debian-ai list - so you might like
    to join there.


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