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shiny-server in debian

Thank you Andrius, Andreas et al. for your work in getting
node-sockjs-client in Debian testing. It appears that shiny-server
(https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/shiny-server) may now have just
one dependency left - node-rewire, which I'm not sure is actually
required to build as it is for CI/development. Also note despite the
warning for node-stable it appears to be packaged

There have been many interested parties in packaging shiny-server in
Debian over the past few years. I wonder if anyone has the time to
revisit now that (all?) the dependencies are in Debian? I
unfortunately lack the skills for this.

$ npm2deb depends -r
NPM                                               Debian
shiny-server (1.5.18)                             None
├─ bash (0.0.1)                                   node-bash (0.0.1-4)
├─ client-sessions (^0.8.0)                       node-client-sessions (0.8.0-3)
├─ compression (^1.7.4)                           node-compression (1.7.4-3)
├─ express (^4.17.2)                              node-express
├─ faye-websocket (^0.11.4)                       node-faye-websocket (0.11.4-1)
├─ graceful-fs (^4.2.9)                           node-graceful-fs (4.2.9-1)
├─ handlebars (^4.7.7)                            node-handlebars
├─ http-proxy (^1.18.1)                           node-http-proxy (1.18.1-6)
├─ ip-address (^8.1.0)                            node-ip-address (8.1.0-2)
├─ log4js (^6.4.1)                                node-log4js (6.4.2+~cs8.3.8-1)
├─ moment (^2.29.1)                               node-moment (2.29.1+ds-3)
├─ morgan (^1.10.0)                               node-morgan (1.10.0-2)
├─ nan (^2.15.0)                                  node-nan (2.15.0-1)
├─ optimist (github:rstudio/node-optimist#dbbadda31e53b63225a57e172a528b1ddc52be52)node-optimist
├─ pause (0.1.0)                                  node-pause (0.1.0-4)
├─ q (^1.5.1)                                     node-q (1.5.1-4)
├─ qs (^6.10.3)                                   node-qs (6.10.3+ds+~6.9.7-1)
├─ send (^0.17.2)                                 node-send (0.17.2-2)
├─ shiny-server-client
├─ sockjs (^0.3.24)                               node-sockjs (0.3.24-1)
├─ sockjs-client
├─ split (^1.0.1)                                 node-split (1.0.1-1)
├─ stable (^0.1.8)                                None
└─ underscore (^1.13.2)                           underscore (1.13.2~dfsg-2)

Build dependencies:
NPM                                               Debian
mocha (^9.2.0)                                    node-mocha
rewire (^6.0.0)                                   None
should (^13.2.3)                                  should.js (13.2.3~dfsg-5)
sinon (^13.0.1)                                   node-sinon

Warnings occurred:
 [warning] stable: stable is included in node-svgo. Package it
separately and remove it from node-svgo if you need it for another

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