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pandas 1.3.5+dfsg-2 autopkgtest failures

In Debian (only change from -1 should be disabling some tests, i.e. real pandas-related failures are unlikely): mdtraj/amd64: upstream tests pass but a warning is printed to stderr, which autopkgtest counts as a fail
partd/ppc64el: save/load of a plain string fails
snakemake/i386: hang in test_pipes_fail
statsmodels/armhf: wrong answer in TestDFMComplex
These have all happened before, suggesting they're random, i.e. bugs in these packages not in pandas. (For partd, the other known instance was on a different architecture (s390x), but it looks like partd only uses pandas when it's handling pandas objects, which this test isn't.)

In Ubuntu (their first build of 1.3.x, i.e. real pandas-related failures are more plausible): poliastro, python-xarray: These fail with the same error with either new pandas or new matplotlib, and have not had a reference run since then. I suspect they'd now fail every time. python-anndata: Known in Debian as #1001349, fixed there but the fix fails to build in Ubuntu.

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