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Fwd: Scotch v7.0 is out!

Hi Debian Science folk,

SCOTCH has made a new major release, and has also made a particular announcement I'd like to draw your attention to.

To strengthen the long-term value of the software, they are creating a Consortium to drive governance and development planning.

As part of that, they are requesting interested users to fill out a feed-back form to help guide decisions. The form is found at

SCOTCH provides graph partitioning, which is crucial role for implementing efficient large-scale parallelization. It's used by linear algebra solvers such as PETSc and MUMPS, and therefore used by Finite Element or Finite Volume solvers to solve differential equations or CFD. It's a alternative package to ParMETIS which has a similar purpose (but parmetis has a non-free licence).

Please fill out the feedback form if you've been using SCOTCH.

We might want to consider signing Debian up as a partner in their new consortium. I'm cc:ing Jonathan as DPL to let him know that might be interesting to discuss further.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Scotch v7.0 is out!
Date: 2021-12-31 21:09
From: François PELLEGRINI <francois.pellegrini@u-bordeaux.fr>
To: François PELLEGRINI (UBx) <francois.pellegrini@u-bordeaux.fr>

We  announce the  release,  as libre/free software, of version 7.0 (codename "Sankara") of the SCOTCH  and PT-SCOTCH software  package and libraries for sequential and  parallel graph partitioning,  sequential  and parallel graph clustering, sequential mesh/hypergraph  partitioning and static mapping, and
sequential and parallel sparse matrix block ordering.

THIS IS A MAJOR RELEASE, fruition of  six years of development, which brings
many innovative features.

CAUTION: While their interface is (as always) backward-compatible, and their overall quality is unchanged, SCOTCH and PT-SCOTCH v7.0  now use dynamically all threads  available to their master (launch)  thread. While this may ease the life of SCOTCH users, by bringing execution performance silently, it may raise issues for PT-SCOTCH users, because of thread allocation overlaps with MPI (duplicating threads for all MPI processes of a single hardware node may not yield  the expected  performance;  all the contrary!). Hence, PT-SCOTCH users are invited  to read carefully the user's manual  to figure out how to launch  MPI processes that will  create non-overlapping pools of threads for
every MPI node.

IMPORTANT:  YOUR HELP IS NEEDED:  in 2022, the SCOTCH  project will turn 30. In order to perpetuate software development around SCOTCH, while preserving its free availability to all under a free/libre software license,  we are on the road to  creating  a consortium.  The consortium  will pool development goals and investments from its members. The investments will be used to fund engineering  staff  to carry out  strategic R&D  relevant to  the consortium
We are currently identifying ambitious key parties interested in joining the consortium to shape the future of Scotch and drive the consortium. This is a great  opportunity  for people  and organizations  having needs in fast and efficient graph partitioning to support and ensure the sustainability of the
Scotch software for its users all around the world.
Hence we make a call to our user community, especially on the industrial and research side: would you be so kind as to fill-in the questionnaire below?

- The feed-back form is available here:

- The preparatory document for the Scotch consortium is available here:

Important new features

The most visible one is the  complete refactoring of  the thread management subsystem.  Thread  management  is now  fully  dynamic. Thread creation and allocation is performed  on the fly.  Additionally, existing threads  can be imported  from  the  caller's  environment,  to avoid  creating unnecessary
threads and benefit from the mapping of existing threads.

Execution options, such as selecting either deterministic algorithms or more efficient yet  non-deterministic  versions, is  now  also dynamic  (while in
previous versions, it had to be prescribed at compile time).

A new class of objects is available in the API:  execution contexts. Context objects allow users to encapsulate  their thread pool, execution options and a private pseudo-random  generator, so that concurrent SCOTCH tasks (mapping or partitioning, ordering, etc.) can  be performed  concurrently and reprod-
ucibly on the same graph, or on different graphs at the same time.

The new thread model allowed us to design efficient multi-thread versions of many  time-consuming  algorithms,  yielding  much faster execution times on many-core machines.  These algorithms concern  the SCOTCH (formerly) sequen- tial library, as well as the PT-SCOTCH MPI-based library (which now provides hybrid parallel algorithms,  mixing threads and MPI).  Please make sure your MPI implementation supports this (else, it can be disabled at compile time).

To ease migration from MeTiS, two versions of the libScotchMeTiS library are now provided: one for MeTiS v3, and the other for MeTiS v5. Hence, it is no
longer necessary to compile Scotch twice to get the two versions.

Support for CMake  has been added.  It is still experimental, and it will be
improved in the next releases. Feedback is welcome.

How to get SCOTCH

SCOTCH  can be  freely  downloaded,  under the  terms of  the CeCILL-C free
software license.

Since the Inria Gforge SVN repository has been decommissioned this fall, the new authoritative  source for  obtaining  SCOTCH is the  Inria Gitlab repos-
itory, at this address:


Happy new year to all!    =^v^=


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