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upgrading numerical libraries and sundials

I'm preparing the numerical library upgrade to push to unstable.
That's superlu-dist hypre mumps petsc slepc.

I discovered that sundials 2.7.0 is incompatible with hypre 2.22.
But right in the middle of testing they released 2.8.0, so it's already ready to go.

Anton, do you prefer to prepare sundials 2.8.0 yourself, or would you like me to push it to experimental? It contains a few ABI bumps (arkode4, cvode5, ida5, kinsol5, nvecserial5) so it'll have to pass NEW.

We'll also need to coordinate upgrade of xtl with xtensor, though that could be done separately from the other numerical libraries. (Vincent, would it be interesting for the Quantstack team to take over xtensor and xtensor-blas? Or to join and transfer xtl to the Debian Science team?)


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