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Re: FreeFEM++ version 4.9 ready for review and upload

Hi François,

On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 at 01:25, François Mazen <francois@mzf.fr> wrote:

I've just finished to package the new version 4.9 of FreeFEM++. You may
read the changelog to get all the modifications:

Had a quick look, it looks nice. However would you consider fixing blhc which seems to fail salsa CI?
IMO it'd be straightforward to do a patch here

Could you please review the package and eventually upload it as Team
(or grant me right to upload it as I'm DM)

 $ dcut ssh-upload dm --uid francois@mzf.fr --allow freefempp
Uploading commands file to ssh.upload.debian.org (incoming: /srv/upload.debian.org/UploadQueue/)
Picking DM Francois Mazen <francois@mzf.fr> with fingerprint 86A5ABD6FFDB0A0C7F5057D34797FA721C351C9E
SCP is deprecated. Please consider upgrading to SFTP.
Uploading nilesh-1629102041.dak-commands to ssh-upload


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