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Re: opencv: help wanted due to overload

Mo Zhou <lumin@debian.org> writes:

> I'd like to ask for some help since I find myself quite busy and
> overloaded these days, for the upcoming CVPR submission deadline.  And
> recently my energy for debian has been fully occupied by the PyTorch
> and its build dependencies. As a result opencv has been left behind
> according to my schedule.
> The help I need is simple and straight forward: Sync and update the
> copyright information for the imported 4.5.0 upstream release:
> https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/opencv/-/blob/master/debian/copyright
> The package is already in good shape (it builds everywhere, I suppose)
> except that single file. So you may directly team upload it after
> finishing the review and update.

Hi Mo,

Unless someone quicker than me steps up before, I can set off some time
to do that this coming weekend.

Good luck with your CVPR submission!


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