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Re: udev rules for usb devices?

"Getz, Robin" <Robin.Getz@analog.com> writes:

> which that means when someone installs the base library (libiio), they
> can't actually use any USB devices (as a non-root user), since the
> udev rule isn't installed, and the udev rule is dependent on the
> libiio-utils package.

I'd suggest putting the udev rule in the -utils package and having the
runtime library package (libiio0) recommend that package.  (A hard
dependency would create a cycle, but downgrading the relationship is
sufficient to stay out of trouble.)  This approach has three big things
going for it:

* The rule will be in the same binary package as the tool it needs.

* APT will then automatically encourage users of the library to install
  the -utils package, complete with the rule and the tool.

* If and when the shared library's SONAME advances, old and new versions
  will still be coinstallable as needed to allow for smooth transitions.

I suppose you could consider splitting iio_info and the rule out into
their own binary package and having the runtime package recommend just
that package, but the whole -utils package is small enough that I
wouldn't bother.

> It's not in libiio-dev either, but that makes sense, since non-root
> users want to use and run applications too.

Right, -dev doesn't particularly make sense here.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at alum.mit.edu, ucko at debian.org)
http://www.mit.edu/~amu/ | http://stuff.mit.edu/cgi/finger/?amu@monk.mit.edu

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