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Re: looking for some feedback on singularity-container on Testing


On September 26, 2018 1:51:17 PM EDT, Christophe Trophime <christophe.trophime@lncmi.cnrs.fr> wrote:
>I'm experiencing with singularity-container on a SMP Debian/Testing. 
>I'm trying to run a singularity of a Debian/Stretch based app. 
>I cannot get to run the app : 
>mpirun -np n execute stretch-app.simg app 
>Did someone have some experiences with singularity? 

For mpi applications, see https://www.sylabs.io/guides/2.6/user-guide/faq.html#why-do-we-call-mpirun-from-outside-the-container-rather-than-inside

that answer references a "Singularity on HPC" page without linking to anything. The older version of that page, at least, is at <http://singularity.lbl.gov/docs-hpc>.

I don't know this particular use case very well, so I can't give you much more than this. The singularity team is usually pretty helpful on their google group, though.


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