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[Caffe] uploaded to mentors but NOT RFS

Hi all,
(CC'ing people interested in package Caffe)

It takes so long time for Caffe to be packaged for Debian,
now the package is nearly prepared to be uploaded, and
there are still some small issues to be addressed.


My local build result (2 amd64 machines: chroot testing, and testing):
 [debuild] [OK]
 [d/rules:: custom-cpu] [OK]
 [d/ruels:: custom-cuda] [OK]

As a packaging Newbie I indeed paied considerable time on it...
at the same time I learned a lot packaging it.
This is just my 3rd Debian package (and it includes my 1st python3
package), so I'm not sure how far it is to be accepted into Archive.

Just a ping, thank you all. :-)

 .''`.                                               Lumin
: :' :                         
`. `'   
  `-    638B C75E C1E5 C589 067E  35DE 6264 5EB3 5F68 6A8A

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