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Re: Bug#731211: aster: new upstream release, work in progress


first of all, thank you for your effort :)

I'm writing in the mailing list because the discussion is generic and not regarding the specific issue.

I've looked quickly at your packaging; in the next days I'll review it with more attention, anyway here there's some early observations:

- I'd really prefer to remove the libmetis dependency and keep it in main and not in contrib; after all libmetis is not absolutely required ( the patch no_metis_default.diff was there to change the default renumerator from metis to md ) , and I think that packages in contrib are out of the auto-builder circuit. Moreover we all prefer 100% free software ;-)

- I would really like to have both the serial and mpi version available: the serial version is faster if you're not running a cluster

- then, if you have two (or more) versions, you'll need a script to update the information in /etc/codeaster/aster ; note that this file is partly a status file - that is, its content represents some kind of status, in our case the available versions: this is what the postinst/postrm scripts were supposed to do

- not sure if it's automatically done somewhere, but on 64 bit architectures you'll have to pass -D_MED_USE_SHORT_INT to the compiler to be able to open med files

PS: the package fails to build on my system with git-buildpackage - it seems it can't find some metis file, but I have installed libmetis-dev. It also fails with git-buildpackage/cowbuilder because libmetis is in non-free... how do you build the package?


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