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Re: DebConf 13: Call for Papers


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 01:58:20PM +0200, Michael Banck wrote:
> > 
> >    https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc13/event/989
> > 
> > Because I do not have any idea whether everybody can read this:
> > 
> > 
> >    Debian Science meeting
> >    DebConf meeting of the Debian Med team
> I think it makes sense to call it "Debian Science Round-Table" again,

I do not care much about the name - so it is renamed now.

> and drop the Debian Med meeting from this (unless I misinterpret the
> above, I cannot see the Pentabarf submission).

This was just a cut-n-pasto.  Now it reads:

  Debian Science Roundtable
  Yearly meeting of Scientists using Debian 

> Specific team meetings should be seperate BoFs I think,


> and I will propose one for Debichem
> (though not sure enough people show up to make it happen).

I will show up.

> > Partly fitting to the science track I did register as well:
> > 
> >    Debian GIS meeting
> >    DebConf meeting of the Debian GIS team
> >    https://penta.debconf.org/penta/submission/dc13/event/990
> I'm not convinced GIS really fits with Debian Science - if we don't get
> enough talks for a half day track, we should just drop it I guess.  But
> I don't really feel strongly either way.

I'm personally very convinced that GIS is a scientific topic - but
finaly this is not our task to decide but the DebConf talks committee

> > There are also two Debian Med related events I did registered.  One of
> > this is a talk that is actually not about medical / biological stuff but
> > rather how you can create a successful Blend (IMHO a perfectly nice fit
> > if we really might need to fill up the science track) 
> Sounds more like general track material to me.

May be.  In any case it would make perfect sense if the audience that
will assemble in the Debian Science roundtable would watch this talk.

> > and the other one is just a meeting of Debian Science people - no need
> > to put this in any track.
> Is this the same event as 989 above?  Why wouldn't a meeting of Debian
> Science fit into the Science Track?  Unless I am misinterpreting the
> type "meeting", is this some hallway track thing, rather?

Sorry for the confusion.  Please s/Science/Med/ in my original posting.
I just did some copy-n-pasting when registering the talks which is now
hopefully fixed.

> > I never ever have heard a DebiChem talk but I would like to.
> > Considering the video recording you could gain a larger audience
> > for DebiChem - a chance I personally would not miss.
> I will submit a DebiChem talk, yeah.


> > I could imagine a lot of other interesting talks from the science
> > people - specifically after the nice meeting in Grenoble last year.
> In my experience it takes prodding of particular people and/or reachout
> to get science talks.


Kind regards



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