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Sage 5.9.beta1 and debian : progress report


on a debian box:

- install all packages mentioned in spkg_to_dpkg.py with the right version -- some are available from unstable or experimental but others require building them from the debian git repositories (and see what is left to do)

- unpack sage-5.9.tar.gz somewhere

- change debian_pruner.py's "sagedir=" line to point to where you unpacked sage sources

- run debian_pruner.py to do magic symlinking

- type 'make' in sage's directory

- interrupt the build when it's in the doc (it doesn't do anything anyway: it's very broken)

- kill the remaining processes (I did mention building the doc was broken...)

(at that point you should have a quite useable sage)

- apply the patches from http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11334 (those will very likely end up in a sage version soon) and the patch from http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/14365 (that one won't find its way in directly but I hope the test will disappear) ;

- run sage -b to rebuild the just-patched files

- run spkg/pipestatus "./sage -tp --sagenb --long devel/sage/doc/common devel/sage/doc/[a-z][a-z] devel/sage/sage 2>&1" "tee -a ptestlong.log" to run the sage test suite ("make ptestlong" will try to compile the doc and get stuck, so really use that line instead)

then the failing tests are like this:
sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/schemes/elliptic_curves/ell_rational_field.py # 1 doctest fails (apparently some computation is supposed to fail, but doesn't!) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/interfaces/expect.py # 1 doctest fails (strange prompt issue) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/misc/sagedoc.py # 7 doctests fail (because the doc hasn't been built) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/doctest/forker.py # 1 doctest fails (because we fail in cremona.py!) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/geometry/lattice_polytope.py # 2 doctests fail (because they expect palp to fail in dimension 7 and debian's palp goes to 11) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/tests/cmdline.py # 2 doctests fail (two cases of getting a blank line instead of an error refusing to run doctests) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/doctest/control.py # 1 doctest fails (doctest returns a blank line instead of an error) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/calculus/test_sympy.py # 1 doctest fails (display difference, the result is correct) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/symbolic/constants.py # 1 doctest fails (sympy.nan == NaN is supposed to be True...) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/interfaces/r.py # 4 doctests fail (trivial display issue, the results are good!) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/misc/sage_extension.py # 1 doctest fails (because we don't patch ipython to parse %time magic command) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/interacts/debugger.py # 2 doctests fail (pexpect difference, perhaps due to our not having the same paths?) sage -t --long devel/sage/doc/en/faq/faq-usage.rst # 1 doctest fails (numpy-related?) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/plot/plot3d/implicit_surface.pyx # 2 doctests fail (some numpy methods seem to return True/None instead of True/False!) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/numerical/mip.pyx # 1 doctest fails (because our glpk version number isn't the same) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/interfaces/jmoldata.py # 1 doctest fails (it tries to run testjava.sh which comes from a patch to jmol) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/databases/cremona.py # 5 doctests fail (because we don't seem to have the same database ordering or some such :-/) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/interfaces/genus2reduction.py # 1 doctest fails (exception raised)

notice that if you run this non-locally, you'll probably also see those:

sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/gsl/probability_distribution.pyx # 4 doctests failed (TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable [and its consequences] -- they all pass with a display!) sage -t --long devel/sage/sage/plot/plot.py # 20 doctests fail (TclError: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable [and its consequences] -- they all pass with a display!)

All in all, I would say there are still a few things to package in debian but as you can see things are taking shape: it's now possible to build sage with most of its spkg replaced by system packages.

Those scripts will not help build a proper sage in debian, but at least they allow us to see the problems in advance, and as you can see from http://wiki.debian.org/DebianScience/Sage , I already reported quite a few issues so hopefully dust will settle.

Snark on #debian-science
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import io,os,shutil,subprocess
from apt import *
from spkg_to_dpkg import spkg_deps

do_linking = True # if False, print the colors for the dependencies dot file
verbose = False # if True, print what is done

deb_host_multiarch = subprocess.check_output(['dpkg-architecture', '-qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH'])[:-1]

# FIXME: I wrote code to find the version of the spkg&deb, but that
# code is not used to check we have the correct versions!
# It won't be trivial to code for at least three separate reasons :
# - each upstream can have its own numbering scheme ;
# - each spkg will have its ".p314" appended, when it's not a
# prepended "cropped"... or something else ;
# - each deb will also have modifiers like "-314build314"... or
# - something else.
# Wasn't it the beatles who sang "I need love" ?

sagedir = u'/home/jpuydt/sage-5.9.beta1'
cache = Cache() # that line can take long...

def build_spkg_versions():
    result = dict()
    for filename in os.listdir(os.path.join (sagedir, u'spkg', u'standard')):
        if filename[-4:] == u'spkg': # use -4 here because there's u'deps'!
            name_and_version = filename[:-5]
            version = u'-'.join(name_and_version.split(u'-')[1:])
            name = name_and_version.split(u'-')[0]
    return result

spkg_versions = build_spkg_versions()

def spkg_version(name):
    return spkg_versions[name]

def dpkg_version(package):
    return package.installed.version

def correct_version(s_version, d_version):
    # FIXME
    return True

def remove_file(name):

def create_directory(name):
        if verbose:
            print (u'create_directory(%s)' % name)

def symlink_file(source, target):
        os.symlink(source, target)
        if verbose:
            print (u'symlink(%s, %s)' % (source, target))

def touch_file(name):
        open(name, 'a')
        if verbose:
            print(u'touch_file(%s)' % name)

def symlink_directory(source, target):
    for name in os.listdir(source):
        next_source=os.path.join(source, name)
        next_target=os.path.join(target, name)
        if os.path.isdir(next_source):
            symlink_directory(next_source, next_target)
            symlink_file(next_source, next_target)

def replace_symlink_with_copy (filename):
    real = os.path.realpath (filename)
    shutil.copy (real, filename)

def replace_pkgconfig_files_with_copies ():
    path = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'lib', u'pkgconfig')
    for name in os.listdir(path):
        filename = os.path.join (path, name)
        if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] == '.pc':
            replace_symlink_with_copy (filename)

def conway_polynomials_workarounds():
    src = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', u'sagemath', 'conway_polynomials')
    dest = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', 'conway_polynomials')
    symlink_directory(src, dest)

def elliptic_curves_workarounds():
    src = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', u'sagemath', 'ellcurves')
    dest = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', 'ellcurves')
    symlink_directory(src, dest)

    src = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', u'sagemath', 'cremona')
    dest = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', 'cremona')
    symlink_directory(src, dest)

def graphs_workarounds():
    src = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', u'sagemath', 'graphs')
    dest = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', 'graphs')
    symlink_directory(src, dest)

def palp_workarounds():
    # we should probably patch sage to use what is in debian
    directory = os.path.join(sagedir, u'local', u'bin')
    for dim in [4, 5, 6, 11]:
        for executable in [u'poly', u'class', u'cws', u'nef', u'mori']:
            src=os.path.join(directory, u'%s.x' % executable)
            dst=os.path.join(directory, u'%s-%dd.x' % (executable, dim))
            symlink_file(src, dst)

def polybori_workarounds():
    # This is debian bts' #702056
    # also related:
    # http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/13989
    directory = os.path.join(sagedir, u'local', u'lib', deb_host_multiarch)
    symlink_file (os.path.join (directory, u'libpolybori-0.8.so'), os.path.join (directory, u'libpolybori.so'))
    symlink_file (os.path.join (directory, u'libpolybori_groebner-0.8.so'), os.path.join (directory, u'libpolybori_groebner.so'))
    directory = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', u'polybori')
    filename = os.path.join (directory, u'flags.conf')
    create_directory (directory)
    touch_file (filename)

    filename = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'include', u'polybori.h')
    fle = open(filename, 'w')
    fle.write('#include <polybori/polybori.h>')

def polytopes_workarounds():
    src = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', u'sagemath', 'reflexive_polytopes')
    dest = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'share', 'reflexive_polytopes')
    symlink_directory(src, dest)
def python_workarounds():
    directory = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'bin')
    symlink_file (os.path.join(directory, u'python2.7'), os.path.join(directory, u'python'))

    directory = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'lib')
    symlink_file (os.path.join(directory, u'python2.7'), os.path.join(directory, u'python'))

    directory = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'lib', u'python2.7')
    symlink_file (os.path.join(directory, u'dist-packages'), os.path.join(directory, u'site-packages'))

    directory = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'lib', u'python2.7')
    symlink_directory (os.path.join(u'/usr', u'lib', u'python2.7', u'dist-packages'), os.path.join(directory, u'dist-packages'))

def setuptools_workarounds():
    directory = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local', u'bin')
    remove_file(os.path.join (directory, u'easy_install'))
    remove_file(os.path.join (directory, u'easy_install-2.7'))
    remove_file(os.path.join (directory, u'easy_install-2.6'))

workarounds = {
    u'libpolybori-dev': polybori_workarounds,
    u'palp': palp_workarounds,
    u'python2.7': python_workarounds,
    u'python-setuptools': setuptools_workarounds,
    u'sagemath-database-conway-polynomials': conway_polynomials_workarounds,
    u'sagemath-database-elliptic-curves': elliptic_curves_workarounds,
    u'sagemath-database-graphs': graphs_workarounds,
    u'sagemath-database-polytopes': polytopes_workarounds

def do_special_thing_if_needed (package):
    if workarounds.has_key(package.name):
        print ('Did something special for %s' % package.name)

def prune_spkg(name, version):
    filename = os.path.join (sagedir, u'spkg', u'installed', '%s-%s' % (name, version))
    stream = io.open(filename, 'w')
    stream.write(u'The SYSTEM package was used!\n')

def stow_dpkg(package):
    if verbose:
        print ('stow_dpkg(%s)' % package.name)
    excludes = [u'', u'/.', u'/usr']
    for name in package.installed_files:
        if name not in excludes:
            target_name = os.path.join(sagedir, u'local', os.path.relpath(name, u'/usr'))
            if os.path.isdir(name):
                create_directory (target_name)
                symlink_file (name, target_name)
    do_special_thing_if_needed (package)

def loop_on_spkgs():
    create_directory (os.path.join (sagedir, u'spkg', u'installed'))
    directory = os.path.join (sagedir, u'local')
    symlink_file (directory, os.path.join(directory, u'local')) # that one is baffling!
    for (spkg_name, dpkg_names) in spkg_deps.items():
        prunable = True
        for dpkg_name in dpkg_names:
                dpkg = cache[dpkg_name]
                if dpkg.installed == None:
                    prunable = False
                    print ("Can't prune %s: missing package %s" % (spkg_name, dpkg_name))
            except KeyError:
                prunable = False
                if dpkg_name == u'unsupported':
                    if do_linking:
                        print ("Can't prune %s: unsupported" % spkg_name)
                        print ("""  %s [color="red"];""" % spkg_name.upper())
                    if do_linking:
                        print ("Can't prune %s: %s not found" % (spkg_name, dpkg_name))
                        print ("""  %s [color="orange"];""" % spkg_name.upper())
            if not prunable:
        if prunable:
            for dpkg_name in dpkg_names:
                dpkg = cache[dpkg_name]
                stow_dpkg (dpkg)
            if do_linking:
                prune_spkg (spkg_name, spkg_version(spkg_name))
                print ("Pruning %s" % spkg_name)
                print ("""  %s [color="green"];""" % spkg_name.upper())

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# for each spkg name, a list of debian packages which will cover what
# it provides
# with an empty list if nothing is needed (!), and a u'unsupported' if
# we don't know yet what we need (or it doesn't exist... or we know
# we're really outdated)
spkg_deps = {
    u'atlas' : [u'libatlas-dev', u'libatlas-base-dev', u'libatlas3gf-base', u'libatlas3-base'],
    u'blas' : [u'libblas-dev', u'libblas3gf'],
    u'boehm_gc': [u'libgc-dev', u'libgc1c2'],
    u'boost_cropped' : [u'libboost-dev'],
    u'cddlib': [u'unsupported', u'libcdd-dev', u'libcdd0d'], # it's in debian experimental but sage patches it too much and adds cdd_both_reps and cdd_both_reps_gmp executables
    u'cephes' : [], # unneeded: the sage spkg only installs something on freeBSD
    u'cliquer': [u'unsupported', u'libcliquer-dev', u'libcliquer1'], # debian bts #703263 and http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/14349
    u'conway_polynomials' : [u'sagemath-database-conway-polynomials'], # packaged in the debian-science git
    u'cvxopt': [u'python-cvxopt'],
    u'cython' : [u'cython'], # debian experimental
    u'docutils' : [u'python-docutils'],
    u'ecl' : [u'unsupported', u'ecl'], # if we use debian's package, then build the maxima spkg, it fails : they ask ecl where it's lib dir is... and it's not world-writable -- that will disappear when we'll have a ecl-enabled maxima
    u'eclib' : [u'eclib-tools', 'libec0', 'libec-dev'],
    u'ecm' : [u'libecm-dev', u'libecm0', u'gmp-ecm'],
    u'elliptic_curves' : [u'sagemath-database-elliptic-curves'], # packaged in the debian science git
    u'extcode' : [u'unsupported'], # should disappear with the git transition
    u'fflas_ffpack' : [u'fflas-ffpack'],
    u'flint': [u'libflint-1.52', u'libflint-dev'], # packaged in the debian science git
    u'flintqs': [u'unsupported'],
    u'freetype': [u'libfreetype6-dev', u'libfreetype6'],
    u'gap' : [u'unsupported', u'gap', u'gap-core', u'gap-dev', u'gap-libs', u'gap-prim-groups', u'gap-small-groups', u'gap-trans-groups', u'gap-character-tables', u'gap-table-of-marks'], # debian  has too old: #677668
    u'gcc' : [u'gfortran'],
    u'gd' : [u'libgd2-xpm-dev', u'libgd2-xpm'],
    u'gdmodule' : [u'python-gd'],
    u'genus2reduction' : [u'genus2reduction'],
    u'gfan' : [u'gfan'], # debian experimental
    u'givaro' : [u'libgivaro-dev', u'libgivaro1'],
    u'glpk' : [u'python-glpk', u'libglpk-dev', u'libglpk0'],
    u'graphs' : [u'sagemath-database-graphs'], # packaged in the debian science git
    u'gsl': [u'libgsl0-dev', u'libgsl0ldbl'],
    u'iconv' : [], # it's in the libc
    u'iml' : [u'libiml-dev', u'libiml0'],
    u'ipython': [u'ipython'],
    u'jinja2' : [u'python-jinja2'],
    u'jmol' : [u'jmol'],
    u'lapack' : [u'liblapack-dev', u'liblapack3gf'],
    u'lcalc': [u'unsupported', u'lcalc'], # debian doesn't ship L.h, which sage wants (debian bts #702901)
    u'libfplll' : [u'unsupported', u'libfplll-dev', u'libfplll0'], # debian has latest, but sage is late http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12835
    u'libgap' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'libm4ri' : [u'libm4ri-0.0.20120613', u'libm4ri-dev'], # debian experimental
    u'libm4rie' : [ u'libm4rie-0.0.20120613', u'libm4rie-dev'], # debian-science git
    u'libpng' : [u'libpng12-dev', u'libpng12-0'],
    u'linbox' : [u'liblinbox1', u'liblinbox-dev', u'liblinboxsage1', u'liblinboxsage-dev'], # debian-science git
    u'lrcalc': [u'liblrcalc0', u'liblrcalc-dev', u'lrcalc'], # debian-science git
    u'matplotlib' : [u'python-matplotlib'],
    u'maxima' : [u'unsupported', u'maxima'], # needs to be compiled with ecl support (debian bts #702623)
    u'mercurial' : [u'mercurial'],
    u'mpc': [u'unsupported'],
    u'mpfi' : [u'libmpfi-dev', u'libmpfi0'],
    u'mpfr' : [u'libmpfr-dev', u'libmpfr4'],
    u'mpir' : [u'unsupported'], # in fact, debian will try not to use it
    u'mpmath' : [u'python-mpmath'],
    u'networkx' : [u'python-networkx'],
    u'ntl' : [u'libntl-dev', u'libntl0'],
    u'numpy': [u'python-numpy'], # sage is late (http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/11334), which makes doctests fail
    u'palp' : [u'palp'], # debian-science git
    u'pari' : [u'unsupported', u'libpari-dev', u'pari-gp'], # debian bts #703116 and http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/14346
    u'patch' : [u'patch'],
    u'pexpect' : [u'python-pexpect'],
    u'pil' : [u'python-imaging'],
    u'polybori' : [u'python-polybori', u'libpolybori-dev', u'libpolybori-groebner-dev'], # debian experimental
    u'polytopes_db' : [u'sagemath-database-polytopes'], # packaged in the debian-science git
    u'ppl' : [u'libppl0.11-dev', u'libppl9'],
    u'pycrypto' : [u'python-crypto'],
    u'pygments' : [u'python-pygments'],
    u'pynac' : [u'libpynac5', 'libpynac-dev'], # debian-science git
    u'python' : [u'python2.7-dev', u'python2.7', u'python2.7-minimal', u'python-tk'],
    u'r' : [u'r-base-dev', u'r-base-core', u'r-cran-mass', u'r-cran-lattice', u'r-cran-matrix', u'r-cran-nlme', u'r-cran-survival', u'r-cran-boot', u'r-cran-cluster', u'r-cran-codetools', u'r-cran-foreign', u'r-cran-kernsmooth', u'r-cran-rpart', u'r-cran-class', u'r-cran-nnet', u'r-cran-spatial', u'r-cran-mgcv'],
    u'ratpoints' : [u'libratpoints0', u'libratpoints-dev'], # debian-science git
    u'readline' : [u'libreadline6-dev', u'libreadline6'],
    u'rpy2' : [u'python-rpy2'],
    u'rubiks' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sage' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sagenb' : [u'unsupported', u'python-speaklater', u'flask-openid'], # python-speaklater and flask-openid are packaged in python-modules
    u'sage_root' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sage_scripts' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'sagetex' : [u'unsupported'],
    u'scipy' : [u'python-scipy'],
    u'scons' : [u'scons'],
    u'setuptools' : [u'python-setuptools', u'python-pkg-resources'],
    u'singular' : [u'unsupported', u'singular', u'libsingular-dev', u'libsingular-3-1-6'], # debian-science git, but sage is still on 3-1-5 and it's incompatible
    u'sphinx' : [u'python-sphinx'],
    u'sqlalchemy' : [u'python-sqlalchemy'],
    u'sqlite' : [u'libsqlite3-dev', u'libsqlite3-0', u'sqlite3'],
    u'symmetrica' : [u'libsymmetrica-dev', u'libsymmetrica-2.0'],
    u'sympow' : [u'sympow'],
    u'sympy' : [u'python-sympy'],
    u'tachyon' : [u'tachyon'],
    u'termcap' : [], # not needed
    u'zlib' : [u'zlib1g-dev', u'zlib1g'],
    u'zn_poly' : [u'libzn-poly-dev', u'libzn-poly-0.9'],

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