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Re: Sage in Debian status update

Le 03/03/2013 01:11, Tobias Hansen a écrit :
Am 02.03.2013 11:43, schrieb Julien Puydt:
Le 23/02/2013 13:25, Tobias Hansen a écrit :
Am 22.02.2013 13:29, schrieb Julien Puydt:
I have scripts to (try to...) build sage against what is in debian, see
attached. Notice:
- the comments in spkg_to_dpkg are not all up to date
- feedback on them is welcome
- to use them (1) edit the sagedir variable in debian_pruner.py, then
run it from the toplevel of a freshly-untarred sage source tarball, (2)
export PYTHONHOME as the script says and finally (3) type 'make'.

One day, that will give a nice working sage (and the day after, sage
will be in debian).

I think it would be very helpful to have a Sage package that can
alternatively use the original spkg's. That means, choose at build time
to include some additional spkg's and not to use the corresponding
Debian packages. That way there always is a working Sage package
available for testing, even if there are still known problems with some
Debian packages. This would also be helpful for debugging once Sage is
in Debian, because it would allow us to quickly check whether a bug is
related to the difference between Debian and Sage with regard to a
certain dependency.

Also, would you put you Sage work into the repository?

Take spkg_to_dpkg.py, and add u'unsupported' as first element of the
list in front of the spkg you want used, and the script won't use the
system version, so indeed it would make what you want possible.

Here is an updated version of my files, for 5.7 and for what is
available in debian.

It's still a work-in-progress.

Where do you want them in this repository? They're so experimental right
now :-/

Could you put the scripts into the debian directory and update
debian/rules, debian/control etc. to use them, s.t. a normal package
build would work in Debian experimental? (As I said, using spkg's where

Hmmm... that isn't really possible for several reasons:

(1) "s.t. a normal package build would work in Debian experimental" is a condition my scripts don't meet yet, even if I'm always pushing things further. I think the last time I managed to build the sage spkg and failed in the sagetex spkg, by half evolving my scripts and half adding hand-adjustements (which I'll turn into either better scripts or new bug reports) ;

(2) the scripts make sage's build system use system packages... by linking each and every file in the system packages inside the sage local directory, ie: I make every effort to make sage ignore that it isn't using its own stuff. It's very very dirty, and definitely not something you want to see in a serious official package!

In fact my scripts allow to check whether the existing debian packages are fit for sage (and sometimes detecting things done wrong in sage...), and will allow to check various combinations of system vs spkg combinations when they'll work good enough. But they are based on crooking (I'm not sure it's the right word) sage's build system, while a proper sage packaging effort should bypass that entirely.

Snark on #debian-science

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