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gforgran module ABI


if I run "ls /usr/include/*.mod | xargs -L 1 head -n 1" I see fortran
modules installed that have different versions.

At one weather centre they need to build fortran programs that need both
grib_api (version "6") and netcdf (version "0"), and there seems to be
no version of gfortran that is happy to use both.

How do you deal with the incompatibility of fortran modules across
compiler versions?

Should we regularly ask for binNMUs of packages shipping .mod files
every time the default gfortran version changes, or is something better
(like, a standard .mod file format) about to come?

(netcdf seems to get hit by this quite often: #618967, #643894, #630564,
#576968 and #543871, for example)



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