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Re: Asking for common wisdom on new field(s): References*

Le Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 11:39:42AM -0500, Yaroslav Halchenko a écrit :
> > > > http://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata
> > was born and never widely accepted (because not properly published?)
> or may be because is not yet usable "out-of-the-box" with no hassle (in
> terms of references)? and once again, duplication, thus additional
> burden for no obvious (yet) advantages
> * canonical references for the package(s) should be easier to find, thus
>   imho should reside somewhere under /usr/share/doc/<package>/; thus
>   I have sympathy for ../references.bib

Hi again,

I am really sorry that I have no time in the very short term (a couple of days)
to provide a better answer… c'est la vie ! But I definitely want to reach a
neat solution together.

I invented debian/upstream-metadata.yaml with the following goals:

 - Provide central place for additional description of the upstream project.

 - Provide the information on-line to systems where the pakcage is not
   installed (through the UDD).

 - Provide the same information at build time so that it can be incorporated
   to binary packages as well.

 - Establish a system that allows the update of the on-line information without
   uploading a new package.

In the case of bibliographic references, the needs goes beyond the use with
than bibliographic software. For instance, the Blends web sentinel need only a
part of the information in the BibTeX files, to provide a link to the upstream's


The question is then wether BibTeX files are the best medium for conveying
fine-grained information such as the PubMed ID for instance. This is why
I think that having the BibTeX as a central point of information is not
convenient for that particular purpose. But I also understand that for
the purpose of providing BibTeX files to the users, storing them as… BibTeX
files in the source package is the most straightforward.

In the case of the Blends web sentinel, we need more information than just
bibliography.  For instance registration or donnation URLs. So we can't replace
completely the system we are building with a BibTeX file.

I hope I can read the whole thread next week and be more constructive.


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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