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Re: Metapackage nanoscale-physics

Hi Yann,

I perfectly remember our discussion in Nantes and I'm really happy that
it seems to grow fruits now. :)

I'm definitely in favour of all your suggestions and think you should
proceed as you suggested.  If you need any help just do not hesitate to
ask here.

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 09:41:01PM -0400, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Oct 2010, Yann Pouillon wrote:
> >    of January 2011. But before, we would gladly appreciate your comments,
> >    questions and suggestions, in order to eventually make this project
> >    bear the most beautiful fruits.
> Welcome and good luck with this worthwhile project!
> Do not forget to include all relevant projects within
> http://blends.alioth.debian.org/science/tasks/physics
> which would provide you and users a nice targetted overview.

Well, Yann should rather create


which will be automatically be turned into


There might be an overlap between the physics tasks but here stays true
what I frequently said here:  A package can be useful to do more than
one task and thus it is no problem at all to mention it in different

You might consider adding so called prospective package entries [1] for
packages which you intend to package or where some packaging stuff in
VCS is done.  This can be quite handy to inform people what's going on
as well as it is a helbful overview for yourself.

One single remark:  If I personally would need to invent a (technical)
name I would probably go with nano-physics (saving 5 letters for not
less understanding) - but that's you decision.

[1] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/ch-sentinel.en.html#s-packageslist


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