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Re: Gathering package upstream meta-data in the UDD. (was: Re: more formally indicating the registration URL)

On 29/10/09 at 10:29 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> This idea of extra metadata storage is really excellent.
> I'd like to suggest the following:
> Move this thread to debian-devel for a wider discussion.
> Move the upstream-metadata.yaml, Homepage, debian/watch out of source
> packages since they need to be able to change independently of the
> Debian package. Not sure what the right location is, but I'd suggest
> UDD could be the canonical location for it and a web interface at
> alioth be the way to edit it (like the debtags interface).

Some comments:
1/ UDD currently can't be the canonical location for this data: there
are no backups of UDD currently, because it's supposed to be possible to
remove the database, create it again, and import everything back in less
than 2 days. So ideally, there would be another place where that data is
stored, and it's simply imported to UDD. Or we would have to talk to DSA
about backups (also possible).

2/ You might be trying to be too generic here. There are not so many
different kinds of packages metadata that would be suitable for this
thing, so you might want to just build it for your purpose (bibtex
metadata) and forget the general picture.

Past efforts for building a unified repository of metadata have
basically failed, because of a lack of interest in the end, I think. It
might be better to store that data directly into packages
(debian/foo.bib), and have an UDD importer that extracts that data from
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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