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Re: 3rd party sources in packages (was: Problems with packaging qtiplot)

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 09:16:43PM +0200, Teemu Ikonen wrote:
> I also have a similar problem with meshlab package I'm working on
> (again). Upstream tarball includes several 3rd party sources, which
> fortunately are all in Debian already. In this case the right thing to
> do is clearly to build with Debian libraries, but should one also
> repackage the source to get rid of the 3rd party code or not?

I would say it depends.  If it is a huge upstream tarball and removing
the 3rd party sources greatly reduces its size, it might be worthwhile.

If for some reason you believe that the combined tarball is
copyright-challenged, then repacking it without 3rd party sources is
required, or course.

Otherwise, the matching-md5sum-is-more-important rule holds.


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