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Re: about autodocktools package

On Wed, 13 May 2009, Bin Zhang wrote:

Package "autodocktools" for amd6a is only available for sid. As an aid
to autodock (which is on the amd64 lenny repositories) I tried to
install it by downloading packages for sid and using dpkg.

You should not install sid binary package on lenny.
Maybe you can build a lenny package using  autodocktools source
package from sid.

While I agree to this remark I would like to mention "the right way for the
brave man who really want to use sid packages".

  1. Adapt your /etc/apt/preferences to prefer testing over unstable for
     instance like
Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 501

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 50

     You can read more about this in `man apt_preferences`

  2. sudo apt-get install -t unstable <your_sid_package>

This should most probably solve the manual dependency solving problem of
the original poster.  And yes, rebuilding a package on your target distribution
(testing, stable, whatever) might be more save.

Kind regards



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