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Re: Giving lesstif2 some attention

A Diumenge 03 Maig 2009, Paul Gevers va escriure:
> Hi,
> [I was suggested to ask on this list after mails to debian-mentors@l.d.o]
> Recently I have invested quite some time to prepare a NMU package for
> lesstif2 [0]. Lesstif did not have a regular update in 1.5 years and
> definitely could use some attention (the current maintainer did not
> respond to my attempts to communicate). In my package I solved the
> following debian bugs: 396199, 479779, 503361, 314440, 43640, 87745,
> 356017, 496081 and 330057 by patching the code with patches available
> from upstream, Fedora and the BTS. Apparently, quite some application
> from Debian Science depend on lesstif, so maybe there is somebody here
> that could have a look at the package. The first debdiff is available in
> bug 522157 [1] where also the discussion can be found from the mentors
> maillist improving the changes. The latest version of the package can be
> found on mentors.debian.net [2].
> I also intend to work with upstream (nearly dead by the looks of it, but
> I got commit rights) to improve the source code and eventually a new
> point release. Unfortunately that will be somewhat slow because I am
> unfamiliar with the code.
> So again, is somebody here interested in reviewing the package and
> comment on it?
> With kind regards,
> Paul
> [0] OSF/Motif 2.1 implementation released under LGPL
> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=522157
> [2]
> - URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/lesstif2
> - Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable
> main contrib non-free
> - dget
> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/lesstif2/lesstif2_0.95.0-2.3.d


I have seen the thread under the mentor list. My fear is about the 
maintainability of the package, and not specially for your work, that I think 
that is very good, if not, upstream.

I can understand that lesstiff has some kind of utility in the past, but if 
Motif adopt a free software license, probably lesstif will die. I have tried 
to find information about it, but without success.

Motif is in debian non-free, but it's 2.2.x version. So, maybe it could be 
possible to press a bit OpenMotif to have it as free software. Just, I'm 
speculating .

Kind regards,


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