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Re: [matplotlib-devel] What would you like to see in a book about Matplotlib?

Chris Walker wrote:
> Note: Posted to matplotlib-devel and debian-science. 
> Sandro, 
>        Firstly, good luck with the book. 
> The sort of book I'd buy would explain how to use the combination of
> matplotlib/ipython/scipy/numpy to analyse data. 
You may be interested in "Python Scripting for Computational Science" by
H.P. Langtangen.  Langtangen covers many Python topics of interest to
the computational scientist including scipy/numpy.  The book has many
examples and lots of source code (which can be downloaded from the
book's website).  Unfortunately, the book was written before matplotlib
and ipython were mature, so they aren't covered.

The website for the book is http://folk.uio.no/hpl/scripting/.

You can download a PDF copy of the book from the website after you've
purchased a real copy.  I always keep the book nearby for reference when
I'm developing Python code.


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