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Re: Meshlab and Qutemol

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 11:56 PM, Michael Banck <mbanck@debian.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 10:30:56PM +0200, Paolo Cignoni wrote:
>> Hi, thanks for the diff, but that patch is a little outdated.
>> similar changes have been already done for allowing the compilation
>> under MacOS.
> I tried to build Qutemol (latest CVS) again on GNU/Linux today, and had
> to find out that some parts of Teemu's patch are still needed.


Morten Kjeldgaard has a Qutemol package for Ubuntu in his PPA at
You may find the patches there better than what I had, although it
seems to suffer from bitrot already; it did not compile on Intrepid
when I tried it a while ago.


> Some files still do not get built by the Makefile and the linker line is
> missing libgif/libungif.
> Apart from some porting in main.cpp which was in Teemu's patch already,
> the other changes are either due to missing case-sensitivity in Windows
> or are probably due to a more strict g++ I'm using (g++-4.3), you might
> be able to reproduce them if you upgrade as well.
> I am not totally sure about the change in ShadowMap.cpp.
>> Obviously you need a good graphic card with updated drivers to
>> succesfully run QuteMol.
> Yeah, unfortunately I am not able to test it, either.
> I've attached my current patch; I think some more patching will be
> needed so Qutemol finds the icons and presets in the standard Unix file
> system location (under /usr/share/qutemol/).
> cheers,
> Michael

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