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Re: Optical Ray-tracing software - not like povray!

The jocaml home page (http://jocaml.inria.fr/) has a couple of TINY ray tracers as the examples.

They are *really* small - really really really small.

I provide the fact that I read the entire source of the smaller one this evening as a datapoint :-) It is about 11kb, spread across five or so source files.

Did I mention that that particular raytracer is distributed and client-server-ish? I am pretty impressed, and think some of you will be as well. [Impressed enough to be thinking about trying to learn the jocaml dialect this week...]


What about tachyon?

As part of an Optics course I'm teaching, we use an old 'ray tracing' program which is used for modelling and learning geometrical optics in 2D. However, it is commercial and out of date, so for next year we are hoping to use an alternative.

Does anyone know some kind of equivalent software, ideally open-source? Its very difficult to search for such software, since 'ray tracing' gets lost in a maze of pov-ray type software, all alike...

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