QEMU s390/s390x install.
I've an amd64 squeeze install with qemu 1.1.2. An example command line for me looks like this, with the iso loop mounted to /mnt.
qemu-system-s390x -cdrom debian-wheezy-DI-b3-s390x-DVD-1.iso debian-wheezy-DI-b3-s390x-DVD-1.iso -kernel /mnt/boot/linux_vm -initrd /mnt/boot/root.bin -append "ro locale=C " -serial vc -no-shutdown
The results are the VM halts seemingly as step one, thus the last option to not exit. There is unfortunately no output on the console or the serial port.
Any advice? Would there potentially be a how-to posted? Sounds like I'm not the only one to have problems here, though from what I can tell it looks like ppl are figuring it out and then abandoning their posts.
Mike Mestnik, Michael J
The ESM Tools
Enterprise Systems Monitoring
United States Postal Service
O: (651) 406-2048
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