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s390x (64 bits) support on Debian Etch

[Please CC me and Ronaldo, we're not subscribed to this list]


I am helping to asses the viability of running Zope/Plone on Debian
GNU/Linux Etch in an IBM zSeries. I've searched the release notes and
installation manual, and some FAQs, and even saw some *-s390x packages
(such as libc6-s390x) on a quick packages.debian.org search, which I
imagine are part of the multiarch support, meaning that I can run 64
bits software on a zSeries today.

I even searched the list archives, found some questions similar to mine
(from IBM people, even) which were not answered[0], and I still have
doubts on this matter. Thus, I would like to verify the information: can
I run Debian GNU/Linux Etch in 64 bits mode at all? If not, do I have
any performance penalty?


[0]: http://lists.debian.org/debian-s390/2006/debian-s390-200610/msg00010.html

Gustavo Noronha <gustavo.noronha@mds.gov.br>
 Coordenação de Sustentação e Segurança/CGI

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