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Re: semver bumps staged in expeirmental.

    I just updated the script I used to track semver updates between testing and unstable to also cover unstable vs experimental, the list indeed does seem pretty long, but on sorting it into categories it seems most of it is part of a few big updates. (the list manually split into categories is at the end of this mail, the categorisation

    probablly isn't perfect)

Interesting, would you mind sharing the script ?


for debian testing -> unstable

./turustsemver --datafile turustsemver.txt

for debian experimental -> unstable

./turustsemver --experimental --datafile uerustsemver.txt

for ubuntu proposed -> main

./turustsemver --ubuntu noble --datafile turustsemver-ubuntu.txt

The first line of the datafile is the date of the packages files used to generate the results. The remaining lines consist of the source package name, followed by the semver transition it is making, and the number of days it has been seen as not consistent (anything newly added will have a time of 0). You can add comments to each line and they will be preserved as long as the line remains in the datafile (they will however be lost when the transition completes and the line disappears from the file).

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