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event-listener 5.x transition

Hi all,

I would like to transition event-listener to 5.x as this is required for the gtk-rs release. This requires some coordination.

Affected source packages:

rust-async-broadcast, rust-async-lock, rust-async-process, rust-event-listener, rust-async-channel, rust-sqlx-core, rust-async-mutex, rust-zbus, rust-isahc, aardvark-dns

Patched / updated packages:

rust-async-broadcast, rust-async-mutex, rust-async-process, rust-sqlx-core, rust-event-listener, rust-zbus (will push an updated version later)

Packages which have a patch available:

rust-async-channel ( #1068930), rust-async-lock (#1068929)

Packages currently broken:


To patch: aardvark-dns, zbus

Jonas, would you mind uploading event-listener and affected packages to unstable once I have updated aardvark-dns and zbus ?

Once that has happened I can prepare zbus-4.0 in exp.

Please let me know if I missed any affected packages.


Matthias Geiger <werdahias>
Debian Maintainer

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