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Catching precompiled binaries in rust crates


As most of you probably know already, there's been an issue recently
with serde_derive. Upstream was shipping a prebuilt binary in order to
reduce build time: https://github.com/serde-rs/serde/issues/2538

The binary was introduced in version 1.0.172, and removed in 1.0.184. In
Sid we have 1.0.171, so we never really noticed the issue ourselves.

Just to see if lintian would catch the prebuilt binary, I tried
packaging rust-serde-derive-1_1.0.183 yesterday. Indeed lintian spotted
the issue emitting the following error:

 E: rust-serde-derive-1 source: source-is-missing [serde_derive-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu]

We should keep an eye for other occurrences of the same "optimization"
in the future. :)

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