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Re: Issue when building "i18n-embed-fl" which uses find-crate

On 2023/2/23 03:05, Fab Stz wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to package the "i18n-embed-fl" crate.
> For this I run
> ./build.sh i18n-embed-fl librust-*deb
> I already built all the dependencies including find-crate.
> However it fails with this error:
>   --> /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/cargo_registry/i18n-embed-impl-0.8.0/src/lib.rs:
> 86:20
>    |
> 86 |     let manifest = find_crate::Manifest::new().expect("Error reading 
> Cargo.toml");
>    |                    ^^^^^^^^^^ use of undeclared crate or module 
> `find_crate`
> If I go to build/i18n-embed-fl and run cargo build, it doesn't fail.

`cargo build` won't fail because it pulls all the dependencies from crates.io,
while our build toolchain doesn't.

You may want to check build/i18n-embed-fl/Cargo.toml (with patches applied if
there is any) and result of `ls build/librust-*deb` to see if find-crate is
really there. Also, it's more helpful to have the full build log available, you
can upload it to https://paste.debian.net. Consider asking in #debian-rust too.

Blair Noctis

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