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Re: Anything I do with the Rust team?

On 8/27/21 7:21 PM, Gard Spreemann wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm a DD who recently got excited about Rust. I thought I'd offer up my
> help if the Debian Rust team needs any. Your work so far seems amazing –
> so much so that developing Rust using only crates from librust-*-dev
> Debian packages feels quite comfortable, even though as far as I
> understand that isn't even the intention?

Hi Gard,

I'm happy to read you are exited about Rust, that's a passion I share. For me,
Rust in Debian was the reason to start my DM application in the first place,
I've been active in that team for a few years now.

Most of the times, the packaging process is quite smooth, but there are some
exceptions of course. There are quite a few people being active in the team,
but we have a shortage few DDs are dedicated to sponsoring package uploads, so
supporting the few who do so is welcome for sure. I applied as a DD some time
ago, but haven't finished the procedure yet.

Most of the coordination happens in the #debian-rust channel on irc.oftc.net
which is very welcoming and supportive.

> Are there any writeups on the Debian Rust tooling I should read? Any big
> items on the agenda going forward?

We maintain the structure of the packaging for most packages in a git
repository on salsa [0]. There you find documentation about the procedure and
team organization in the *.rst files. It is also helpful to take a look at the
scripts in the `dev` subdirectory which facilitate certain recurring actions.

In terms of big items on the agenda, a few areas of the ecosystem that were
packaged before the freeze have seen significant churn in upstream since then,
and we will have to coordinate their uploads and prepare for low impact on
existing functionality (although I expect we can't completely prevent it from

Best regards,


[0] https://salsa.debian.org/rust-team/debcargo-conf

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