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Recent uploads of sequoia packages and migration to testing.

Hi Daniel

I notice you recently uploaded a number of sequoia related packages
to unstable. Under current freeze policy most of them should
automatically migrate to testing.

However some of them will not, either because they do not have any
autopkgtests or because the autopkgtests they do have are not "fully
sucessful". Specifically

rust-sequoia-openpgp seems to be suffering from a number of failures including

|a -> thread 'regex::tests::regex' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: alternations cannot currently contain empty sub-expressions', src/regex/mod.rs:1071:50
stack backtrace:

error[E0599]: no method named `is_supported` found for reference `&types::HashAlgorithm` in the current scope
   --> src/parse/hashed_reader.rs:414:50
414 |                 ].iter().filter(|(hash, _)| hash.is_supported()).cloned().collect(),
    |                                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `&types::HashAlgorithm`

The tests are marked as "broken", so these errors only result in a
"neutral" rather than a "fail", but that is still apparently enough
to count as "not fully passing" under current freeze rules.

rust-sequoia-sop and rust-sequoia-sq do not have autopkgtests at all

If these packages are to migrate to testing then either they need to
gain fully passing autopkgtests or an unblock needs to be negotiated
with the release team with justification for the changes.

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