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Не работает pymsnt

В аттаче конфиг. При попытке соединиться пишет:
Failed to connect to MSN servers: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <type 'exceptions.Exception'>: Timeout

В чем проблема?
<!-- This file contains options to be configured by the server administrator. -->
<!-- Please read through all the options in this file -->

<!-- The JabberID of the transport -->
<!-- The public IP or DNS name of the machine the transport is running on -->
<!-- This is needed for file transfer!! This is also used as the IP address for outgoing connections -->
<!-- The component JID of the transport. Unless you're doing clustering, leave this alone -->
<!-- <compjid>msn1</compjid> -->
<!-- The name of the transport in the service discovery list. -->
<!-- <discoName>MSN Transport</discoName> -->

<!-- The Twisted reactor to choose. Pick poll or epoll on Linux, kqueue on BSD. Or leave as default (best found) -->
<!-- <reactor>poll</reactor> -->

<!-- The IP address of the main Jabber server to connect to -->
<!-- The TCP port to connect to the Jabber server on (this is the default for Jabberd2) -->
<!-- The authentication token to use when connecting to the Jabber server -->
<!-- Use Jabber.com's XCP component protocol extensions. --> 
<!-- <useXCP/> -->

<!-- The default language to use -->
<!-- The website of the Jabber service -->

<!-- Comment out the following options to disable them, or uncomment them to enable them -->
<!-- Send email notification messages to users -->
<!-- Send greeting on login -->
<!-- <sessionGreeting>You have just started a session with PyMSNt</sessionGreeting> -->
<!-- Send message on successful registration -->
<!-- <registerMessage>You have successfully registered with PyMSNt</registerMessage> -->
<!-- Allow users to register with this transport -->
<!-- Get all avatars. If this is set to true then avatars are grabbed for all your contacts immediately. If false then avatars are only grabbed when you're in a chat with a contact -->
<!-- The amount of time a user has to join a groupchat they are invited to before the transport makes them leave the room. (MSN protocol requires autojoining of groupchats) -->
<!-- <groupchatTimeout>120</groupchatTimeout> -->

<!-- File transfer settings -->
<!-- The maximum size of a file transfer (in bytes). For unlimited, comment out, or set to 0 -->
<!-- The maximum rate for file transfer (in bytes). For unlimited, comment out, or set to 0 -->
<!-- Please give the port to listen for Jabber socks5 transfers on. -->
<!-- Please give the port to listen for HTTP GETs here (Used in old-style OOB file transfers. Best to leave this disabled unless you know you need it.) -->
<!-- Please give the root URL the transport should send to clients. (You can use an Apache reverse proxy to put this on your ordinary website) -->
<!-- Eg, the transport will listen on port 8011 for HTTP GETs to /RANDOM_FILE.ext. You can set apache to forward any requests to http://yourhost.com:80/msn/files/RANDOM_FILE.ext to http://yourhost.com:8011/RANDOM_FILE.ext. This saves you from opening extra ports. -->

<!-- You can choose which users you wish to have as administrators. These users can perform some tasks with Ad-Hoc commands that others cannot -->

<!-- Log settings -->

<!-- The logging level 
0 -> No logging
1 -> Log tracebacks
2 -> Log tracebacks, warnings and errors
3 -> Log all sorts of informational (mostly useless stuff) 
4 -> Log the MSN protocol code sent


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