Re: Use of ttf-thryomanes for Greek/Cyrillic/Hungarian
Christian Perrier wrote:
> ttf-thryomanes probably appears here because it is listed in a few
> l10n tasks:
> cyrillic-desktop: ttf-thryomanes
> greek-desktop: ttf-thryomanes
> hungarian-desktop: ttf-thryomanes
I've done the last uploads on ttf-thyromanes, I've orphaned it sometime
ago, but forgot to request it's removal after some time.
However, I'll request its removal now. ttf-dejavue is really enough,
there is absolutely no need anymore for ttf-thryomanes. Would be nice if
it could be removed from the tasks too.
Address: Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
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