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Re: make-kpkg modules-image

Компилить пытаюсь от рута.

Вот лог:
#make-kpkg modules-image --revision=dell001
for module in  ; do                       \
          if test -d  $module; then                                \
	    (cd $module;                                          \
if ./debian/rules KVERS="2.6.18" KSRC="/usr/src/linux-2.6-2.6.18" \ KMAINT="Unknown Kernel Package Maintainer" KEMAIL="unknown@unconfigured.in.etc.kernel-pkg.conf" \

KPKG_DEST_DIR="/usr/src/linux-2.6-2.6.18/.."       \
KPKG_MAINTAINER="Unknown Kernel Package Maintainer" \
                             KPKG_EXTRAV_ARG=""        \
                             ARCH="i386"                  \
                             KDREV="dell001" kdist_image; then    \
                  echo "Module $module processed fine";            \
              else                                                  \
                   echo "Module $module failed.";                  \
                   if [ "X" != "X" ]; then      \
echo "Perhaps $module does not understand --rootcmd?"; \ echo "If you see messages that indicate that it is not"; \ echo "in fact being built as root, please file a bug "; \
                      echo "against $module.";                     \
                   fi;                                              \
                   echo "Hit return to Continue";                   \
		 read ans;                                        \
              fi;                                                   \
	     );                                                    \
	  else                                                      \
               echo "Module $module does not exist";               \
               echo "Hit return to Continue?";                      \
	  fi;                                                       \

Best regards,

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