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Russian on Linux

Dear friends (druz'ya),
I've decided to move to Linux but there is one big problem that stops me.
I'm Russian and want to have an opportunity to read and most importantly write in Russian under Linux.
So far we have a Linux box with Potato release where I can experiment but I was unable given my scarce understanding of Linux to install (turn on) Russian keyboard there. I found a manual for Woody distribution (by Aoki) how to internationalize Debian but it did not work (?or I did not do things right). The example in the manual was given for Chinese so I couldn't apply it to Russian. Another thing is that I want to use English by default but be able to switch keyboards to write in Russian (emails and other stuff), and not just have Russian (so other people, not Russian Speaking can also use the computer). Can you help me with this?
(Zaranee Bol'shoe Spasibo)

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