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Re: Where is raw?

>>>>> On Tue, 25 Dec 2001 15:59:42 +0300
>>>>> "Stas" == Stas Gobunov <stas@komus.net> wrote:
Stas> hi!
Stas> Кто поскажет где в дебиане утилита raw
Stas> для создания raw устройств?
Stas> apt-cache search raw - ничего не дало

и не должно ничего давать. А вот как вы без util-linux живете не

Package: util-linux
Essential: yes
Priority: required
Section: base


2.2 Priorities

Each package should have a priority value, which is included in the package's control record. This information is used by the Debian package management tools to separate high-priority packages from less-important packages.

The following priority levels are recognised by the Debian package management tools.

Packages which are necessary for the proper functioning of the system. You must not remove these packages or your system may become totally broken and you may not even be able to use dpkg to put things back. Systems with only the required packages are probably unusable, but they do have enough functionality to allow the sysadmin to boot and install more software.


2.3.6 Base packages

The packages included in the base section have a special function. They form a minimum subset of the Debian GNU/Linux system that is installed before everything else on a new system. Thus, only very few packages are allowed to go into the base section to keep the required disk usage very small.


2.3.7 Essential packages

Some packages are tagged essential. (They have Essential: yes in their package control record.) This flag is used for packages that are essential for a system.

Since these packages cannot be easily removed (one has to specify an extra force option to dpkg to do so), this flag must not be used unless absolutely necessary. A shared library package must not be tagged essential; dependencies will prevent its premature removal, and we need to be able to remove it when it has been superseded.

Alexander Kotelnikov
Saint-Petersburg, Russia

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